Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
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VAC Customer Slide Pitch
Date of Last
File Slide Description Revision
VAC-A01.GAL HP Channel Partner Programs-- 8/92
Channels of Distinction
VAC-A02.GAL HP's Programs for HP Channel Partners--
outlines the six main presentation topics 9/92
VAC-B01.GAL Introduction--Secton B header that lists 9/92
the four section topics
VAC-B02.GAL A Program for Success--states what 10/92
Channel Partners expect from a channel
program and declares that HP is the
easiest company with which to
do business
VAC-B03.GAL Channels Terminology Comparisons-- 8/92
contrasts ISV, VAR, CWR, OEM, and other
HP terminology with IBM, DEC, and Sun
VAC-B04.GAL Channels Terminology Comparisons (cont.)-- 10/92
continuation of previous chart
VAC-B05.GAL HP Channel Partner Definitions-- 9/92
overview of HP Channel Partners to ensure
the audience understands the various
types of partnerships HP offers; defines
ISV, conversion specialist, VAR, SI,
and OEM
VAC-B06.GAL HP Channel Partner Definitions (cont.)-- 10/92
continuation of previous chart; defines
CWR, distributor, DAR, and master VAR
VAC-B07.GAL What You Get as an HP Channel Partner-- 10/92
reassures potential Channel Partner that
it has made the right choice in
selecting HP
VAC-C01.GAL HP's Commitment to Channel Partners-- 8/92
Section C header that lists the three
section topics
VAC-C02.GAL HP Business Positioning--quote from 10/92
Franz Nawratil that espouses
channel diversity
VAC-C03.GAL HP Business Positioning (cont.)--Lew 10/92
Platt's quote from July 1992 Uniform
Monthly magazine interview that states
an anticipated indirect channels growth
VAC-C04.GAL Indirect Channels Strategic Focus-- 10/92
VAC Marketing Center's mission for
developing and delivering
channel programs
VAC-C05.GAL HP Computer Systems Organization's 10/92
Channels Strategy--defines HP's
strategy of selling through direct and
indirect channels
VAC-C06.GAL HP's Indirect Channels Structure-- 10/92
outlines HP's commitment to indirect
channels through the teaming efforts
of VMC, field sales, and
sponsoring entity
VAC-C07.GAL HP's Sales Force Deployment--shows 10/92
industry/account and geographic (red
and blue) SRs working in tandem with all
types of Channel Partners and their
management through Channel Partner
account managers (green)
VAC-C08.GAL HP's Account & Channel Strategy--overall 10/92
graphic of red and blue SRs teaming with
Channel Partners targeting assigned and
geographic accounts
VAC-C09.GAL HP's Success Depends on Yours--pie chart 10/92
of 1991 CSO worldwide sales by direct and
indirect channels
VAC-C10.GAL HP's Success Depends on Yours (cont.)-- 10/92
pie charts of 1991 and projected 1996
CSO worldwide sales by direct and
indirect channels
VAC-C11.GAL HP Rated #1 of Major Computer Vendors-- 10/92
bar chart of 1988-92 ratings of HP, DEC,
IBM, and Sun as reported by
VAC-C12.GAL 1992 VARBUSINESS Survey--lists categories 10/92
in which HP rated #1 in VARBUSINESS'
annual Channel Partner survey
VAC-C13.GAL Why Choose HP?--1991 quote in which 10/92
VARBUSINESS magazine praises HP's
products, management, and understanding
of indirect channel marketing
VAC-D01.GAL HP's Infrastructure for Channel Partner 10/92
Support--Section D header that lists the
four section discussion topics
VAC-D02.GAL HP Organizations & Functions--graphic 10/92
that depicts the teamwork between VAC,
sales, and sponsoring entities
VAC-D03.GAL CSO/Americas--Manuel Diaz's org chart 10/92
with industry alignments under Sudkamp,
Tartaglia, and Stringer
VAC-D04.GAL CSO/Americas--Geography--Clark Straw's 10/92
org chart with industry alignment
under Cavell
VAC-D04A.GAL CSO/Americas--Industry Sales/Discrete 10/92
Manufacturing--Bob Sudkamp's org chart
for discrete manufacturing
VAC-D04B.GAL CSO/Americas--Industry Sales/Process 10/92
Manufacturing & Financial Services--
Jerry Tartaglia's org chart for process
manufacturing and financial services
VAC-D04C.GAL CSO/Americas--Industry Sales/Telecom-- 10/92
Bob Stringer's org chart for telecom
VAC-D13.GAL Target Industries--Americas Industry 10/92
Marketing group's target industries
as they relate to the field organizations
(Sudkamp, Tartaglia, Stringer, Cavell)
for placement of detailed field org charts
VAC-D07.GAL Channel Partner Account Manager--lists 10/92
functions of the green SR for his/her
Channel Partner
VAC-D08.GAL CSO/Americas Channels Program--Alan 10/92
Nonnenberg's org chart with VMC programs
under appropriate managers
VAC-D09.GAL VAC Marketing Center--lists VMC functions 9/92
VAC-D10.GAL Computer Systems Organization--generic 10/92
org chart of a CSO group to illustrate
sponsoring entity support within
divisions (i.e., WSG, CSY, GSY)
VAC-D11.GAL Sponsoring Entity--lists sponsoring 10/92
entities' functions regardless of their
locations, WSG, CSY, GSY, or Americas
Industry Marketing group
VAC-D14.GAL Target Industries--GSY-- 8/92
GSY's target industries
VAC-D15.GAL Target Industries--CSY-- 8/92
CSY's target industries
VAC-D16.GAL Target Applications--WSG's target 8/92
applications for workstations
VAC-D17.GAL HP's Industry Marketing Presentation-- 8/92
anchor slide to be replaced with
industry program pitch
Flexible Relationship:
VAC-E01.GAL Flexible Channel Partner Relationships-- 9/92
Section E header that lists the five
section discussion topics
VAC-E02.GAL HP Channel Partner Partnership 10/92
Strategy--describes criteria HP uses to
recruit Channel Partners
VAC-E03.GAL Types of HP Channel Partners--Channel 9/92
Partner matrix
VAC-E04.GAL Leveraging Channel Partners--defines 9/92
ISVs, non-reselling SIs, and
conversion specialists
VAC-E05.GAL Reselling Channel Partners--defines 9/92
VARs, reselling SIs, OEMs, and
independent CWRs
VAC-E06.GAL Two-Tier Reselling Channel Partners-- 10/92
CWRs--defines first- and
second-tier CWRs
VAC-E07.GAL Two-Tier Reselling Channel Partners-- 9/92
Distributors--defines distributors
and DARs
VAC-E08.GAL Two-Tier Reselling Channel Partners-- 9/92
Master VARs--defines master VARs
and DARs
VAC-E09.GAL CSO Two-Tier Channel Partners--matrix of 10/92
distributors, CWRs, and master VARs and
the CSO products they sell
Financial Incentive:
VAC-F01.GAL Financial Highlights--Section F header 9/92
that lists the types of financial
incentives HP offers Channel Partners
VAC-F02.GAL Financial Highlights--ISVs-- 10/92
ISV financial incentives
VAC-F03.GAL Financial Highlights--Conversion 9/92
Specialists--conversion specialist
financial incentives
VAC-F04.GAL Financial Highlights--VARs-- 10/92
VAR financial incentives
VAC-F05.GAL Financial Highlights--SIs-- 10/92
SI financial incentives
VAC-F06.GAL Financial Highlights--OEMs-- 10/92
OEM financial incentives
VAC-F07.GAL Financial Highlights--Franchisors 10/92
franchisor financial incentives
VAC-F08.GAL Financial Highlights--Distributors 10/92
distributor financial incentives
VAC-F10.GAL HP Channels Qualification Criteria-- 9/92
header that indicates the next Section F
slides will discuss terms and conditions
(Ts & Cs) for each Channel Partner
VAC-F11.GAL ISV--HP's Ts & Cs that qualify an ISV to 9/92
become a Channel Partner
VAC-F12.GAL Conversion Specialist--HP's Ts & Cs that 9/92
qualify a software vendor to become a
Channel Partner
VAC-F13.GAL VAR Channel--HP's Ts & Cs that qualify a 10/92
reseller to become a Channel Partner
VAC-F14.GAL Systems Integrator Channel--HP's Ts & Cs 9/92
that qualify a SI to become a
Channel Partner
VAC-F15.GAL OEM Channel--HP's Ts & Cs that qualify a 9/92
reseller to become a Channel Partner
VAC-F16.GAL Franchisor Channel--HP's Ts & Cs that 9/92
qualify a reseller to become a
Channel Partner
VAC-F17.GAL Certified Workstation Reseller Channel-- 9/92
HP's Ts & Cs that qualify a reseller to
become a Channel Partner
VAC-F18.GAL Distributor Channel--HP's Ts & Cs that 10/92
qualify a reseller to become a
Channel Partner
VAC-F19.GAL DAR Channel--HP's Ts & Cs that qualify a 9/92
reseller to become a Channel Partner
VAC-F20.GAL VAR to DAR Conversion--lists programs 10/92
and requirements that impact a VAR when
it switches to DAR status
VAC-F21.GAL VAR to DAR Benefits--lists benefits DARs 9/92
receive that may be more flexible than
the benefits they receive from HP
Marketing Programs:
VAC-G01.GAL Marketing Programs for Channel 9/92
Partners--Section G header that lists
categories of marketing programs
within VMC
VAC-G02.GAL HP Channel Partner Program Levels-- 10/92
describes "Listed" and "Premier Solution
Partner" (PSP) program levels available
to all Channel Partners
VAC-G03.GAL Channel Partner Program Levels--graphic 10/92
of program levels that shows that 88%
are Listed and 12% are PSP
VAC-G04.GAL Listed Program Level Services--outlines 10/92
requirements and benefits of the
Listed program level
VAC-G05.GAL Nomination Criteria for Premier Solution 10/92
Partners (part 1 of 3) --specifies
qualifications Channel Partners must
meet before their sponsoring entities
will nominate them for PSP program
VAC-G06.GAL Nomination Criteria for Premier Solution 10/92
Partners--(part 2 of 3) continuation of
previous slide
VAC-G07.GAL Nomination Criteria for Premier Solution 10/92
Partners--(part 3 of 3) continues
qualification list for PSP program
but includes VMC's perspective
VAC-G08.GAL Communications Programs--defines five 9/92
VMC programs that communicate to Channel
Partners: advisory council, HPNN,
Programs for Success, ChanneLink, and
HP Computer Update magazine
VAC-G09.GAL Development Programs & Events--describes 9/92
six VMC programs that develop Channel
Partners: technology camp, HP user group
conference, HP product training,
marketing forums, "Know How Marketing"
guide, and Channel Partner conference
VAC-G10.GAL Promotional Programs--outlines seven VMC 10/92
programs that promote Channel Partners:
HP-TV, Computer News magazine, Solutions
Catalog, IDEA! Rooms, VAB Rental
program, insignia program, and
co-op program
VAC-G11.GAL Leadership of IMpact Program--InfoCorp 9/92
market research firm quote that
states that HP has set leadership
standards with the IMpact program
VAC-G12.GAL IMpact Program--anchor slide to be 9/92
replaced when presenting IMpact (co-op)
program slide set IMPACT1-IMPACT26.GAL
and APPENDXA.GAL for distributors
VAC-G13.GAL Marketing Assistance--lists the types of 10/92
services Channel Partners can receive
based on program level (Listed/PSP)
VAC-G14.GAL Marketing Support Services--recaps VMC 10/92
programs and marketing assistance per
program level (Listed/PSP)
VAC-G15.GAL DAR Marketing Support Services 10/92
Available--lists DAR marketing support
services from HP and the distributor
Product Value:
VAC-HO1.GAL HP's Product Value--Section H header 8/92
that introduces CSO products and HP's
VAC-H02.GAL HP Computer Systems Organization's 8/92
Products--lists CSO hardware platforms
available to Channel Partners
VAC-H03.GAL HP's Strengths--lists HP's company and 8/92
product strengths
VAC-I01.GAL Summary--Section I header 8/92
VAC-I02.GAL HP's Program for HP Channel Partners 10/92
Summary--summarizes topics discussed
in the slide pitch: financial
incentives, commitment, infrastructure,
product value, flexible relationships,
marketing programs
VAC-APP.GAL Appendix--header for slides labeled 10/92
VAC-APPD.GAL HP Sales Rep Compensation Program-- 10/92
represents compensation of red, blue,
and green SRs when they promote and team
with a Channel Partner (SR compensation
plan is HP confidential; the information
has been included to assist you in
discussing how HP SRs are encouraged to
team with Channel Partners.)
VAC-APPF.GAL Financial Highlights Recap-- 10/92
compensations matrix for leveraging and
reselling Channel Partners (recap for
SR only; not to be distributed to
Channel Partner)